+ Teaching the basics
Good, clear site, with a five class lesson plan:
Why Ultimate Frisbee for your class?
Comprehensive guide from USA Ultimate, with a lot of illustrations and suggestions for drills:
+ Throwing Instruction Videos
Video of throwing backhand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN1bzPCKkGE
Video of throwing forehand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHsSHJBEcRw
+ Dan Cogan-Drew Videos of Drills
+ More Advanced Strategy
The RiseUp videos are fantastic teaching tools – consider subscribing to get full access, though a number of them are available for free (look under “Popular Uploads” which is the first category on their YouTube page): https://www.youtube.com/user/riseupultimate
Ultiworld has a number of good articles on Ultimate Strategy, and is a good source of news on all things ultimate-related, including livestreams of college and club Nationals and World Championship games: https://ultiworld.com/